DIY Projects

Step-by-step guides for home improvement projects that add value to your space

Installing Crown Molding

1. Measure walls and purchase crown molding with extra length for mistakes
2. Cut inside corners at 45-degree angles using a miter saw
3. Apply construction adhesive to the back of molding
4. Press molding into place and secure with finish nails
5. Fill nail holes with wood putty and caulk gaps
6. Sand smooth and paint to match your trim

Building a Floating Shelf

1. Cut 1x8 lumber to desired length for shelf face
2. Create box frame from 1x2s for support structure
3. Mount heavy-duty floating shelf brackets to wall studs
4. Attach box frame to brackets
5. Slide shelf face over frame and secure with brad nails
6. Fill holes, sand, and finish as desired

Updating Cabinet Hardware

1. Remove existing hardware and fill old holes if needed
2. Create template for new hardware placement
3. Mark and drill pilot holes for new hardware
4. Clean cabinet surfaces thoroughly
5. Install new handles or pulls with screws
6. Tighten all hardware and check alignment

Installing a Tile Backsplash

1. Clean and prep wall surface, removing outlet covers
2. Plan tile layout starting from center, avoiding small cuts
3. Apply mastic adhesive in small sections
4. Place tiles using spacers for even gaps
5. Let adhesive dry 24 hours before grouting
6. Apply grout, clean excess, and seal after 72 hours

Creating a Board and Batten Wall

1. Remove baseboards and measure wall for layout
2. Install horizontal top and bottom rails
3. Mark vertical board spacing (typically 16" apart)
4. Cut and install vertical boards with nail gun
5. Add decorative cap rail if desired
6. Caulk all seams, fill nail holes, and paint

Building a Raised Garden Bed

1. Cut cedar boards to desired length (typical 4'x8' bed)
2. Create corner posts from 4x4 lumber
3. Attach sides to corner posts with exterior screws
4. Level bed and secure to ground with stakes
5. Line bottom with hardware cloth to prevent pests
6. Fill with quality garden soil mix